Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So i woke up. And i was a bit confused. I looked around and i was like. Where am i?

But i soon realised i hadnt been kidnaped. And i was all good :)

Tara and i went to see Sue, the Deputy whos the lovely lady who thinks Wagga Wagga is a great name and laughs about it everytime someone asks where im from in Aus land, or she says "guess where Vicki's from?" and Wagga Wagga is apprently really funny. Lol

I can feel myself, speaking Pom.. its ALREADY started... I said "well good" today lol. I was laughing inside afterwards because i hadnt realised until then.

I chose to do physio this week for a taster of it, and Tara is doing PE. So we are getting the most out of what we do and stuff.

I was helping, very rarely with getting a student into a standing frame, it was pretty interesting and there was ALOT to take in because, you have to know pretty much all about the student and their limitations in what they can and cant do. How they comunicate if they cant speak etc.

After lunch we went for a swim, to do hydro.. stuff lol because its a lot easier to get the students moving in the warm water and help stretch limbs and its also a lot easier to see their bodies and in a way examine them and any spots or marks on them etc.

Tara and i went into the town and go her a phone and came back to have dinner and then upstairs to watch some tv. I fell asleep and then came to my room, decided i might post a blog before i go to Z land and say to the people who actually read this that i miss you all! And i miss home.

Love you all, with virtual hugs and kisses

Vic xox

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