Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Weeeee Bit Chillyyy.

Its Saturdayyyyy.

A nice relaxing day today to be quite honest haha. I got into the bathroom early to take a bath. Only to find out the plug doesnt work properly so the water was slowing disapearing before my eyes. So it ended.

I then had some breakfast and took a piccy of my awesome keys lol, Which just coz they are awesome ill put a pic in this blog of them.

Just this once.

I then had Skype sesh with Nan and Pop, which was rather good :) However it was late back at home so we couldnt talk for long. But it was really nice talking to them! :)

Tara, Dave Lana and I then had a quick lunch and they took us around the shopping areas of town. The shops here are really nice, and i bought a purple handbag! its nice :)

After shopping we walked down to the beach, where. Yes Dad get this SAND! Hahaha i dont have to go far to say that england has nice sand beaches! Unfortunately i didnt take my camera so i cannot show my evidence as of yet. But not to worry, I will get it! Mwahahaha

There was even snow on the sand... How ... Different hahaha

The wind on the way back was. Numbing. The weather is suposed to bring more snow to us apparently. We shall have to wait and see!
When we got home, Tara and i had dinner in the hall with the children and there helpers :) was nice pasta :)

We got back up stairs and watched some Tv, lol its soo different from ours lol. Some of the same shows but yeah. Different.
We then all sat and watched Honey, a dance hiphop movie, which was alright.. lol
Im now in bed. Just so you all now. and im warm and cossy lol..

Have a nice day all

Vic xox

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