Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wellll. Its snowing hehe

(I thought it was rather cute)

So I got through customs all good. Flight to Bangkok was alright, was sitting with two other Latt girls so we slept and talked mostly the whole way. Meals were as normal average lol. Plane food, got to love it.

We stopped at Bangkok for an hour and got back on the plane, I and one other girl, Sam moved seats away from Gabby, to rather highly spacious seats where we engaged in conversation with a Maths professor from England, who had a Indian background with a British and slightly American accent. I slept most of this trip and watched Public Enemies with the music to loud and the voices soft with no subtitle choice.

We got to London. It was pitch black and the fairy lights of the city were AMAZING! It all seemed to go on forever!

Once we got through the stamp people at the airport we got our bags, no one else seemed to have my gorgeous greeny aqua colour baggage lol.
When we all had our bags we then proceeded out in the arrival area, where there were a whole lot of people with signs... however no read shirts... no latitude signs.... After what seemed forever standing and looking we decided to walk around and see if they had a group. They did, about 10 metres away from us. We then had to wait for the bus, and crammed ourselves into it.

On the 45 min drive to Reading UNI, I decided that men carrying a traffic light were well worth a picky and I also it was comented that although the road work men seemed to be doing a lot more work than Aussie ones do, the bus driver quickly pointed out that they have been trying to finish that part of road work for two years now.

It feels like a very frosted Australia to be honest, I don’t feel like I’ve left the country except for the fact that I can’t contact anyone because a) my phone costs money, even though my Telstra sim pics up Vodafone UK reception lol, I’ll find more out about the phone business later. But b) there no wireless at the Reading UNI... None that is visible anyways... So I have to type this in word.

They also don’t have lifts... which ment that because im on the top floor I got a danm good work out getting my stuff to my room! The room is rather nice, one bed, a desk with a light and chair, a sink (that had brown water coming from the tap, however it goes clear), and a cupboard and chair for unknown purposes. It quite tight and cosy and i very much am liking my view

It’s really not that cold, I mean -4 sounds cold for 12pm in the day but it’s rather pleasant, it’s not a cold that sinks into your bones and turns you blue. It sort of just hangs around you like a fly that isn’t bothering you but is still there. I went with a walk with Gabby it started snowing lightly! The bus driver also said that it was forecast to snow, it was lovely, truly beautiful!

After dinner we had snow fights and then reheated ourselves with a hot choccy and lots of talk. After the talking we went to the local pub.. and because it was snowing, we got soaked pretty much lol. But i can now say i've been to a English pub. It was actually quite nice, old sorta looking and nice old protraits :)

Missing everyone already if you can believe that... BUT im sooo happy to be here lol

1 comment:

  1. aw vicki ! sounds fantastic! liking the cosy room, so are you staying in a uni where your working with other latt students??

    I sent you a text last night because i thought you left today :P so you obviously didnt get it hehe

