To be honest i feel rather special. I mean i just type in what i do every day and people enjoy reading it. Even look forward to reading it.
So heres something special for you lot who you sit down excitedly to read about my sunless days her in good old rainy England.

Its a box of clouds. Which im sending over to you who have hot weather and nice aircon.
Now it may look like just a box of clouds. But. Its actually a box of RAIN clouds.
Thatd be nice wouldnt it?
Anyways. I supose you want to ear about my yesterday and today? Yes. Well here goes.
So yesterday, Tara and i were getting ready for going to our work when there was a knock on one door and a loud "Tara, Vicki, are either of you in here?" We naturally both replyed "yes" and came out, my being almost done straightening my hair looked rather funny, and got a "thats a nice look" comment. We then go told that we had an induction meeting, starting 10mins ago...
Now it may look like we are just lazy, but actually we didnt know. We knew about some inductions however not when or where. So we finished quickly getting ready and struted our way late into the meeting full of appologies.
We spent the morning learning about the school and safety stuff. Which is always fun so, even our lectureres where yawning.
When that was over we had lunch and went to our work place.
I helped out where i could in letting a student have a ly down for about 20 mins, maybe 30. Time sort of flys by here.
I then went and watched a student doing a whole lot of things to test his mobility and strength etc. Which was good fun, because this guy was very flexable, and it was rather funny to see the staff's reactions to his flexability.
After that the day was well. Over. So i found Tara in the gym and sat and chatted with her and a student. Called Vicki. Lol. Who plays hockey for Great Britain! How cool is that!
Anyways i was. Well pooped last night after watching some tv with the others and so went to bed without blogging. so that was Yesterday.
They had a orthotic 'clinic' going in Physio so i hung around watching what they did to get the feet moulds, ( that is maybe spelt wrong, but you get my meaning). It was rather interesting, and i saw a range of different types of orthotics each to the student.
After that i had lunch surrounded by students at a table and then went to a feeding and eating induction. Which was really interesting because our lecturer got us to eat marshmellows in different ways to help our understanding and it was pretty difficult.
And now im off for the rest of the day, so im blogging for you all. :)
Miss you all.
Love Vic xoxox
Hi Vic, Thanks for the blog and for the box of clouds. It might take a while for the clouds to get out of the box. Love Mum