Well so i was WAYYYYYYYYYY to overly tired to make a post if my day yesterday!
it started very well, we all got up had a nice talkative breakfast, had some meetings to say "Most of us are staying in Reading a bit longer, because this snow is so thick we havent had any like it in 30 years..."
So we are pretty happy to be staying with the other volunteers, theres heaps of us!
And we are all lovely people :), although i feel that some may have been, very heavily influenced by parents to do this.
After our meeting, i traveled around the frozen lake, Maggie you'd love the walk! It was amazing!
It was weird though, because its not actually really frozen, its slush it just looks frozen! Anyways, the walk around it reminded me SOOOO much of Narnia is not funny! I got some pics, i'll put some up here but most of them will go on facebook lol.
Well my walk was good, but my camera froze up not even half way around it because its kinda freezing atm. Plus it was snowing so it was colder than when its not. So I couldnt do anything with my camera! But its all good now, i had to let it run out of battery then charge it to get it good again, poor thing!
But that wasnt the worst of the day. After i got back had lunch and then put my camera to charge i came back to the dinning hall, because its like hogwarts, we all sit on four rows of long tables, however ours have several tables in one row, but anyways we sit in there when its way tol cold to do anything outside. I had a hot choccy, when i got told that Tara and i were to pack up our things and go catch a tran! I had no idea where Tara was and so packed my stuff and came back down the stairs with it all, and there was a meeting to say what was happening in the hall.
I found Tara who was shocked that we where expected to pack up everything and leave so soon.
We then got in a car and went to the station. Paul, who drove us helped us with where we had to go and the security guard was helpful when our bags got stuck in the barriers your ment to run through if you have luggage :)
We found our platform. Number 8, not 9 3/4 to my disapointment.
Our train was two trains away and about 20 mins. So we went into a coffee shop on the platform and waited there. Then our train got delayed and wasnt on the screen anymore. Thwn 20 mins later it was 3rd again, then second. Then delayed, then 3rd, then delayed, then 3rd then delayed. Then it got Delayed by 1/2 hour! When we had been waiting an hour already and the coffee shop had closed so we had to freeze. I was already frozen solid even with all my woolies on! and Tara was almost there, so we contacted Latt emergency phone who got in contact with the Latt members at the uni and they couldnt get to us, so we had to catch a taxiiii...
The taxi was fine, really big, lots of room type situation. But the driver was rude.
He then told us that he couldnt get to the uni gate closest to our hall, even though a nice Scottish lad told him another way to get there not via the ice packed road ahead. So we got kicked out and had to start dragging our luggage up the slightly hilled icey road. The Scott, randomly was going to the uni hall we where going to. He was going to meet a friend there. So we dragged our luggage up the hill with his help and slipped and slidded to the gates finally. And we where all pooped by then.
It was by good luck that a big strong latt volunteer guy with some girls came up behind us, coming back from the pub. And he helped us to. :) Such nice people..
We finally made it and after dinner and talking i went to bed at about 8:30 because i was so tired and just wanted a warm bed. Even though mines full of half dead springs.. And that, was my yesterday...
PS pics will come soon. Dont panic, i just havnt uploaded them from my camera yet :)
Love to all!
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