When you wake in the morning at 8.30am, you have some breaky, get changed and brush your teeth.. chchchchchch..
I helped getting a new wheelchair ready this morning :) Mostly i was using a lifter to lift the student in between his old chair and new one, and then his electric chair. He rather enjoyed the hanging around in the lifter :) it was good to see the smile on his face. It was also very pleasing to see how good his posture was in his new chair and that it was a more comfortable.
Smiles all round. Also he was a very polite lad :) Said many Thanks. Was rather nice.
Lunch was interesting, i got asked by a student to sit with her even though there wasnt a table for me near her. So i had to get one from the side. She then decided that my food looked yummier and said she didnt like hers to a kitchen staff. And then when i said i wasnt able to hear another student talking to me about carrots (as i found out after when he pointed to his plate) that it was to noisy and she then proceeded to almost cry. It was rather hectic but still a good lunch all the same.
I then had another induction. Communication. It was pretty interesting. And we all got to have a go using some of the communication devices the students may use. Which i might add, that they are awesome at and we all looked like amateurs.
It was a good thing there wasnt any students in the room to have a good giggle at us.
After the induction finished, Tara and i got some fresh air by walking five mins to TESCOS. Did you know that England, well at least our TESCOS has a crispy cream cabinet and you can fill up a box or just buy one or two. We didnt get any, not to worry. We also found that they sell alcohol in their TESCOS.
TESCOS by the way is like a supermarket, which sells. Just about anything from phones to groseries to alcohol. They even had Yellow Tail wine! Haha Tara thought that was awesome.
We then came back to our living quarters and after dinner watched a movie called Taken. Was interesting. But in case you havent seen it, i wont tell anymore.
I then half wrote up my blog, and went to bed. :)
Miss you all
Hey Vic, Glad you are having fun - taken is not a good movie for you to be watching so far away from home!!! lol!!