So last night our internet decided it didnt like us anymore and thought it would connect but have no internet. Weird yes it was very strange. So i didnt get to do a lot of things i wanted to on here. Like blog my day.
Yesterday, was a good day, and i'll start where i left you. Madeline picked Tara and i up from the school and took us into Poole, to have a look at the shopping. On the way we saw a red telephone box and i HAD to ask to get a photo of it! And can now proudly say that i have stood inside of one.
Primart (I'll double check that spelling) is the cheapest shop ever, although you dont know where itr's made? However most of its pretty good quality.
We had lunch at the lighthouse theatre, which was lovely and then Madeline had to go watch Louise play netball, and yes Tara and i where both confused at this. As she told us hockey. However i told you that it was Olivia however i was mistaken there.
BUT never mind that now.
Tara and i went back to Primart and Tara got a nice jacket. I was looking for a watch which is possibly the only thing they didnt sell. So we went searching around and finally found a place that does after asking several shops.
Its quite a nice watch to be honest, and im glad i bought it :) now i dont have to ask what time it is.
We came back via bus to the school and just chillaxed for a while in the lounge room, before being picked up by Charles to go to dinner.
Dinner was very funny, we met some family friends, who were delighted to meet someone from Wagga Wagga, as it was a name of a town on the flying doctor tv show, and they never believed it was a real place haha. Before it they served dinner there was some muscles and i tried the sauce, which was very strong and a bit over the top for me and so i gladly sad no to the muscles. Olivia and Louise are very funny together and when they get started laughing its almost uncontrollable, but its always for a good reason :)
For dinner we had a roast lamb, which was very yummy indeed, and we talked about accents while we ate it, and Tara and i laughed at the girls who tried to do Aussie accents hehe, they were pretty good to be totally honest.
After dinner we had apple crumble! YUM YUM.
We then went home to find no internet. Bumma.
Today however the internet likes us and ill tell you about today later :)
Miss you all
Vicki xox
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