Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Weekenddddddddddddddddddd

Enough d's? Yeah i thought so to. I could say that my d got stuck in the laptop... But its not true.

So i left you.... just before the party i believe...

I think.

Anyways after i left you Friday night we had a "gappers meet and great 2010" party up here with a bunch of the other, umm younger.... staff, I aid umm because some of them i was surprised to find were almost 30 whereas i thought they where about 23...
Which shows that i have a natural instinct to NOT guess peoples age.

Anyways the party was really fun. Brits playing the didgeridoo is Hilarius. But Drunk Brits playing it is even funnier. Trust me i'd know. I was there. We also went to the local pub and played pool, and others danced. Which was interesting. Lol

I haven't up'ed the piccies i took on facebook yet as facebook is being mean and wont let me do things at the moment, so maybe they are doing something to it maintenance wise.

Saturday was alright. Tara and i had a life saving course and we did the theory side all day, as well as rolling people over into the recovery position and looking very silly asking perfectly fine people if they could hear us and checking if they were breathing and everything else you have to do in the theory of it. it felt like i was back at school. Which was ..... weird...

That afternoon Yana, Dave, Tara, Misty the dog and i walked along the beach, and i took a few photies which you also cant see because of facebook and its meanness.

We then had a nice relaxing night in watching movies, "A Walk to Remember" and "The Blue Lagoon".. I think you should watch A Walk to Remember Mum, i believe you'd like it. And Blue Lagoon, well. Lets jut say theres alot of naked underagenessand you'd NEVER be able to make that movie these days.....

Sunday came.. And Tara and I had another day of life saving course, however we where in the pool for this and as was littlest... i got lifted out of the water the most in the test and today.. ok so i got them yesterday.. but i have grazes and bruises from this lifting on my shins just below my knees.. because the man assessing the group liked me being the unconscious casualty. And yes i have taken a pic of them, they arnt BAD... but lets just say that i cant wear my skinny jeans or a while because it hurts..

I went to Madeline and Charles ouse for dinner last night and watched Michael McIntyre with the Olivia and Louise, it was Sooo funny!!! It was very good hahaa.

You are going to YouTube him now arnt you haha.

We had a roast for dinner... and a apple and pear crumble, which was yummmyyyyy. I love it hehe...
I also got a name and phone number of a drama group across the road in the church although it hasnt got anything to do with the church Madeline doesnt think, and im also going to see if the backstage of the girls school would like any help behind the scenes :) woo lucky me!! :)
It was a good night and i got a ticket to London and Back for 16.50 pounds, when its usually 30pounds with the railcard i have instead of the normal 40 pounds without it. so i was VERY HAPPY with a 16.50 there and back again train ride where the tickets get posted t you for free! :)

Today i woke and went to see Sue to see what this week would bring me and if a time table was ready yet so that my days have some structure. But alas the timetables are not ready so i hung around physio today. I payed UNO hehe and now my knees are saw now because i had to go around to the students with the main pile. It was a very continuous game and lunch came and it wasn't finished so they called a draw... After lunch i was in the pool doing hydrotherapy. I booked the pool tonight to do some laps :) and again on Saturday Woohooo.

Anyways, im off, to do some other stuff. Will keep trying to upload pics on facebook.

Miss you all

Love Vic xox

Saturday, January 23, 2010

No Worries

So its been what. 3 days of no blogging. Sorry about that, but at east i have a few things to talk about :)

So Wednesday, i was swimming in the morning, which was rather fun. All i had to do with my student was tell her I'd beat her to the other side and she'd swim there nicely. I then helped out in the gym (hall) and we played botcher which was fun.
I then had my moving and handling induction all after noon, which would've been a whole lot more fun if the hoist they use in the induction was working properly. But ah well.

After the day was ended Dave, Jana, a student ( i know his name, I'm just not meant to do names in public places), Tara and i went to Southampton shops to get a new remote for Dave's pressie to someone, and then we all had dinner at KFC. Did you know they sell baked beans or just gravy as a side and not mashed potatoes and gravy. Anyways don't get jealous because i had take away, the chips back home are WAY better. lol.

After we all went to bed and woke up the next day. I was in the gym (hall) all day helping a PE staff member with a group of "mainstream" school teachers who wanted to learn how they could involve all their students in games in PE, as its not always easy. It was very fun and i got to go in a sports wheel chair.. wow they have great turning.
That went all day and then Madeline came and picked Tara and i up to go down to the rail station and get some 16-25's card that gives you 1/3 off the price you'd normally have to pay. We had to go and take photos in the photo booth which was cool.
After we got them we went for coffee at a cafe in Sandbanks where the man serving said no worries when the milk got spilt and Madeline asked if he was Aussie, and turns out hew lived there for several years... I had a hot choccy and Mum i think you'd like the mugs they had, they where very nice. White with some lines the curve up and they wherent tall, they where round :)... Madeline showed us their town house there, which from the front view looks at the bay and the back view looks at a beach... Yes Dad it has sand too.

Today i have not done to much to be honest, as PE wasn't to busy today. I spent half my day in the gym (hall) then a class was doing theory and didnt come so i dated and sorted some pics of the students playing soccer, and then did some running around for the PE office lady and then had lunch and went swimming, then had a shower. Then when i got hungry and went down for dinner the chef told me that it started at 6pm tonight because some of the weekend students had gone ice skating :)

So i decided i better use my time wisely and blog so you all know I'm still breathing...

Miss you all

Vic xox

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Not to Worry

I am just letting you all know that theres no need to worry. I haven't drowned in my day and a half of being in the pool.

I have now started in the PE section where my help in the pool this week is at least half the day everyday bar Thursday, where i am in the gym/ hall what ever you wish to call it.

My washing, has taken two days to fully dry, because i don't want to put them in the dryer because they may shrink and that's just not cool.
The milk here, isn't the same. Theres not as much... milk flavour as there is even in our light milk back in Aussieland.
I know this because i eat weetabix for breakfast, no not weetbix.. weetabix. They taste... somewhat similar.

PE is not as personal as Physio, all i have to do is help the student im placed with if they need it, and as only new to the school i get the students who are rather capable and may need help from time to time. However they are all with good conversation and so the day goes pretty quickly.

Not much is happening tonight for the other staff are mostly working or are not here, so yeah. And apart from Mr Bean, theres nothing good on tv right now.

I was ment to be part of a Saturday gathering the weekend however Monday i got told i had a lifesaving induction. So i said i would see what time it finished and go afterwards to see Stewie and Annette and Jack. However that evening i got told that it was Sunday as well. So that whole weekend failed.

I dont really know what else i can tell you except that no.. i didnt get a pair of those pj's...

Monday, January 18, 2010

fone fail

Last night we watched Whats Eating Gilbert Grape because of not internet, which i forgot to put in my last post lol. OMG good movie.

I got up this beautiful SUNNY sunday morning and marvelled at the blue sky!

I was glad the sun was out. Made my whole day. I went into bournemouth to get a vodafone sim card for my phone in case i need to ring someone.
However when i put it ino my phone and topped it up with a bit of credit and tried to register it online it would send the text to me; so i tried the helpline, which told me i had no credit.. So maybe its my phone. Im not sure, ill have to see if it works in Stews old phone. -fingers crossed everyone-

I got back and ate some pasta for lunch, and we all got lasyin the arvo and didnt really do much at all. However Jana thought id be a good idea to walk to the beach, so Tara, Jana and i went for a walk down there. had a hot choccy and carrot cake ( which was UMMM) and then walked back. So i walked 3km today :)

got back for dinner, which was roast chicken and then watched The Beach on TV, was a good film :)

i did washing this arvo as well, so all my newly cleaned clothes are on a clothes rack in my room :)

Anyways im off to bed!!

Bye bye

Miss you all

Vic xxoox

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ready.. and die

So last night our internet decided it didnt like us anymore and thought it would connect but have no internet. Weird yes it was very strange. So i didnt get to do a lot of things i wanted to on here. Like blog my day.

Yesterday, was a good day, and i'll start where i left you. Madeline picked Tara and i up from the school and took us into Poole, to have a look at the shopping. On the way we saw a red telephone box and i HAD to ask to get a photo of it! And can now proudly say that i have stood inside of one.
Primart (I'll double check that spelling) is the cheapest shop ever, although you dont know where itr's made? However most of its pretty good quality.
We had lunch at the lighthouse theatre, which was lovely and then Madeline had to go watch Louise play netball, and yes Tara and i where both confused at this. As she told us hockey. However i told you that it was Olivia however i was mistaken there.
BUT never mind that now.

Tara and i went back to Primart and Tara got a nice jacket. I was looking for a watch which is possibly the only thing they didnt sell. So we went searching around and finally found a place that does after asking several shops.
Its quite a nice watch to be honest, and im glad i bought it :) now i dont have to ask what time it is.

We came back via bus to the school and just chillaxed for a while in the lounge room, before being picked up by Charles to go to dinner.

Dinner was very funny, we met some family friends, who were delighted to meet someone from Wagga Wagga, as it was a name of a town on the flying doctor tv show, and they never believed it was a real place haha. Before it they served dinner there was some muscles and i tried the sauce, which was very strong and a bit over the top for me and so i gladly sad no to the muscles. Olivia and Louise are very funny together and when they get started laughing its almost uncontrollable, but its always for a good reason :)
For dinner we had a roast lamb, which was very yummy indeed, and we talked about accents while we ate it, and Tara and i laughed at the girls who tried to do Aussie accents hehe, they were pretty good to be totally honest.
After dinner we had apple crumble! YUM YUM.

We then went home to find no internet. Bumma.

Today however the internet likes us and ill tell you about today later :)

Miss you all
Vicki xox

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Driving Hours

So i was tired again last night. So its Saturday morning and im writing this yes haha.

Yesterday, was a pretty laid back day, Friday you know, the end of the week where just like the teachers and students in Aussieland, everyone is tired by the end of the week and just wants to do a bit of fun stuff. Of course its fun stuff that is useful!

I had a safeguarding induction, which is signs of abuse and what abuse and bullying and everything that comes under the nasty and horrible and sad umbrella. It was a pretty sad 2hours.

The afternoon was "well good" though, yes im turning pom already.

We had whats called LEAP, and it stands for something but i've forgotten since 1pm yesterday sorry. Anyways. They only had 4 students going yesterday and so they decided that staff could join, there was 2 staff, me and another lady who i've never mt before.
So off we zoomed in our auto wheelchairs and played musical statues, where when the music stops you not only have to stop but you have to turn off your chair as well! Which is actually what got me out haha.

We then had to line up in two groups, and they had two staff members placed out in a straight line in front of us that we had to circle around then stop turn off the chair and collect a huge connect four piece and then go right around the next staff member and up to the huge connect four game and put your piece in a good spot :) then go straight back to the line and tag the next person in line. Then we did the same thing again, except we just had to go in and out of objects instead of staff. then we played musical statues again on request by a student. :)

I believe that it would be awesome to be able to put hours down for when im in an auto wheelchair, because its harder than driving a car. Even if im not on the road. It would just be awesome.

It was then another break and then dinner. It was after dinner, sitting in our lounge room that Dave, Tara and i got bored of watching tv rubbish and decided to go to the pub. Where we played pool for hours and got back home at 10pm. And then...

And then, i turned my computer on and Mum and i skyped for n hour! :D was really very nice to talk to her :)

After that i went back to the lounge room and watch some of trainspotting, but i didnt finish watching it. Because i went to bed.

Now however i have to get ready to go to Madeline and Charles, to see olivia play hockey :) bye bye

Miss you all

Love Vic xoxox

Friday, January 15, 2010

And lift

When you wake in the morning at 8.30am, you have some breaky, get changed and brush your teeth.. chchchchchch..

I helped getting a new wheelchair ready this morning :) Mostly i was using a lifter to lift the student in between his old chair and new one, and then his electric chair. He rather enjoyed the hanging around in the lifter :) it was good to see the smile on his face. It was also very pleasing to see how good his posture was in his new chair and that it was a more comfortable.

Smiles all round. Also he was a very polite lad :) Said many Thanks. Was rather nice.

Lunch was interesting, i got asked by a student to sit with her even though there wasnt a table for me near her. So i had to get one from the side. She then decided that my food looked yummier and said she didnt like hers to a kitchen staff. And then when i said i wasnt able to hear another student talking to me about carrots (as i found out after when he pointed to his plate) that it was to noisy and she then proceeded to almost cry. It was rather hectic but still a good lunch all the same.

I then had another induction. Communication. It was pretty interesting. And we all got to have a go using some of the communication devices the students may use. Which i might add, that they are awesome at and we all looked like amateurs.

It was a good thing there wasnt any students in the room to have a good giggle at us.

After the induction finished, Tara and i got some fresh air by walking five mins to TESCOS. Did you know that England, well at least our TESCOS has a crispy cream cabinet and you can fill up a box or just buy one or two. We didnt get any, not to worry. We also found that they sell alcohol in their TESCOS.

TESCOS by the way is like a supermarket, which sells. Just about anything from phones to groseries to alcohol. They even had Yellow Tail wine! Haha Tara thought that was awesome.

We then came back to our living quarters and after dinner watched a movie called Taken. Was interesting. But in case you havent seen it, i wont tell anymore.

I then half wrote up my blog, and went to bed. :)

Miss you all


Thursday, January 14, 2010


I should've known by the amount of awesome's and miss you's at the bottom of my posts, but i didnt. At the amount of times/ people that actually read this. But no, it wasnt until today that i realised because people have told me that they missed my blog for the day, because, well it wasnt there.

To be honest i feel rather special. I mean i just type in what i do every day and people enjoy reading it. Even look forward to reading it.

So heres something special for you lot who you sit down excitedly to read about my sunless days her in good old rainy England.

Its a box of clouds. Which im sending over to you who have hot weather and nice aircon.
Now it may look like just a box of clouds. But. Its actually a box of RAIN clouds.
Thatd be nice wouldnt it?
Anyways. I supose you want to ear about my yesterday and today? Yes. Well here goes.

So yesterday, Tara and i were getting ready for going to our work when there was a knock on one door and a loud "Tara, Vicki, are either of you in here?" We naturally both replyed "yes" and came out, my being almost done straightening my hair looked rather funny, and got a "thats a nice look" comment. We then go told that we had an induction meeting, starting 10mins ago...
Now it may look like we are just lazy, but actually we didnt know. We knew about some inductions however not when or where. So we finished quickly getting ready and struted our way late into the meeting full of appologies.

We spent the morning learning about the school and safety stuff. Which is always fun so, even our lectureres where yawning.

When that was over we had lunch and went to our work place.
I helped out where i could in letting a student have a ly down for about 20 mins, maybe 30. Time sort of flys by here.
I then went and watched a student doing a whole lot of things to test his mobility and strength etc. Which was good fun, because this guy was very flexable, and it was rather funny to see the staff's reactions to his flexability.

After that the day was well. Over. So i found Tara in the gym and sat and chatted with her and a student. Called Vicki. Lol. Who plays hockey for Great Britain! How cool is that!
Anyways i was. Well pooped last night after watching some tv with the others and so went to bed without blogging. so that was Yesterday.


They had a orthotic 'clinic' going in Physio so i hung around watching what they did to get the feet moulds, ( that is maybe spelt wrong, but you get my meaning). It was rather interesting, and i saw a range of different types of orthotics each to the student.
After that i had lunch surrounded by students at a table and then went to a feeding and eating induction. Which was really interesting because our lecturer got us to eat marshmellows in different ways to help our understanding and it was pretty difficult.
And now im off for the rest of the day, so im blogging for you all. :)

Miss you all.

Love Vic xoxox

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So i woke up. And i was a bit confused. I looked around and i was like. Where am i?

But i soon realised i hadnt been kidnaped. And i was all good :)

Tara and i went to see Sue, the Deputy whos the lovely lady who thinks Wagga Wagga is a great name and laughs about it everytime someone asks where im from in Aus land, or she says "guess where Vicki's from?" and Wagga Wagga is apprently really funny. Lol

I can feel myself, speaking Pom.. its ALREADY started... I said "well good" today lol. I was laughing inside afterwards because i hadnt realised until then.

I chose to do physio this week for a taster of it, and Tara is doing PE. So we are getting the most out of what we do and stuff.

I was helping, very rarely with getting a student into a standing frame, it was pretty interesting and there was ALOT to take in because, you have to know pretty much all about the student and their limitations in what they can and cant do. How they comunicate if they cant speak etc.

After lunch we went for a swim, to do hydro.. stuff lol because its a lot easier to get the students moving in the warm water and help stretch limbs and its also a lot easier to see their bodies and in a way examine them and any spots or marks on them etc.

Tara and i went into the town and go her a phone and came back to have dinner and then upstairs to watch some tv. I fell asleep and then came to my room, decided i might post a blog before i go to Z land and say to the people who actually read this that i miss you all! And i miss home.

Love you all, with virtual hugs and kisses

Vic xox

Monday, January 11, 2010


I had another brilliant day. Lol

Slept in walked to Madeline and Charles's house, although Madeline picked us up when we were almost there because she thought it was way cold outside lol. So that was nice.

Tara and I helped make apple crumble before we had a scrumptous lunch, which was roast chicken, vegies, potatoes and parsnip with gravvy.. yummmmmyyy

We walked to the beach, which had SNOW on it haha it was awesome. And once again its a nice SAND beach lol. :)

We had good chats and started watching Ivenhoe, which we left to watch "Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging" was funny, and weird lol but a good movie over all haha

After that Tara and i got a lift home as it was freezing and very dark by then. Made some pasta and tomatoes which Madeline kindly gave us and sat and watched "My Sisters Keeper" which was really sad and cried even more coz the noodles where mega spicy and it was nice and sad and everyone should have tissues when they watch it.

Now im in bed, thinking about starting work tomorrow! Im Excited :)

hehe it's a short post buut tomorrow i imagine will be able to fill the shortness of this one out :)

Miss everyone!!

Vic xoxox

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Weeeee Bit Chillyyy.

Its Saturdayyyyy.

A nice relaxing day today to be quite honest haha. I got into the bathroom early to take a bath. Only to find out the plug doesnt work properly so the water was slowing disapearing before my eyes. So it ended.

I then had some breakfast and took a piccy of my awesome keys lol, Which just coz they are awesome ill put a pic in this blog of them.

Just this once.

I then had Skype sesh with Nan and Pop, which was rather good :) However it was late back at home so we couldnt talk for long. But it was really nice talking to them! :)

Tara, Dave Lana and I then had a quick lunch and they took us around the shopping areas of town. The shops here are really nice, and i bought a purple handbag! its nice :)

After shopping we walked down to the beach, where. Yes Dad get this SAND! Hahaha i dont have to go far to say that england has nice sand beaches! Unfortunately i didnt take my camera so i cannot show my evidence as of yet. But not to worry, I will get it! Mwahahaha

There was even snow on the sand... How ... Different hahaha

The wind on the way back was. Numbing. The weather is suposed to bring more snow to us apparently. We shall have to wait and see!
When we got home, Tara and i had dinner in the hall with the children and there helpers :) was nice pasta :)

We got back up stairs and watched some Tv, lol its soo different from ours lol. Some of the same shows but yeah. Different.
We then all sat and watched Honey, a dance hiphop movie, which was alright.. lol
Im now in bed. Just so you all now. and im warm and cossy lol..

Have a nice day all

Vic xox

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sooo. Sledding

Lol yesterday was sooo fun!!

A group of 5 of us went out in the snow in the morning before the meeting of whos going and who cant because of snow. And one guy took his snowboard so we used it as a sled and half unsucessfully slid down the icey roads! hahaha

It was soo funny! Mostly we all went tragically straight for the cutter because there wasnt any stering lol.

Iv decided, that all pics will go on facebook, and this might just be my blog? Please comment and say what you think about that? I mean is that a hastle for anyone? Lol

Ok so yesterday we also got to our placement.. Finally second time lucky! Although 5 more mins and we wouldve missed the train as with all the volunteers trainging out there was loads of bags, and Tara's was on of the last. But she got it in time and we made it :)

We were both very suprised to find that there was snow, only a little. but theres snow here! Hahaha

All the people we have met have been really nice and really rather excited that we are the new "gapers" lol. Apparently there is another girl coming through a different prgram from NZ, but she'd still waiting on paperwork.

So we got to our rooms and put our stuff in them. And met some of the others living up here with us, who are all really nice people :) We then had dinner with some of the children downstairs in the dinning hall.
It was an experience i must say. But everyone children and workers where all happy to meet us and everything :) It was great

This morning, Tara and i woke at like 9:30 haha. And had some breaky and went to see Sue the deputy who showed us all around the school. Its so big! Its never ending! And i can see myself getting very lost haha

After that we went to Ter... the supermarket to look at phones for Tara but she couldnt buy any yet because we dont have our bank accounts until a bit later. But we had a look. When we got back, i was delighted to see Madeline talking to Sue :)
We had a cup of tea with her upstairs and she offered to take us to dinner, which we gladly accepted. Madeline said she'd come back and get us in about an hour.

We then sat in the lounge with Yana (not positive on the spelling) and Dave and had a good talk to them, and iv decided that we dont get British music... its all American, because i knew none of the songs on the British tv hits show lol

Dinner was reallllly nice, i had a great time and Tara was all praise :) and we are going to Madeline and Charles house for lunch on Sunday :) Im looking forward to it :)

When Tara and i got back we sat with the other boarding staff in the lounge and watched The Hangover. Funniest movie. Really good quality laughter haha

Im off to bed soon. Miss you all. Hope the heat isnt to bad!

Love Vic xx

Ps sorry about the two days in one haha

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well so i was WAYYYYYYYYYY to overly tired to make a post if my day yesterday!

it started very well, we all got up had a nice talkative breakfast, had some meetings to say "Most of us are staying in Reading a bit longer, because this snow is so thick we havent had any like it in 30 years..."

So we are pretty happy to be staying with the other volunteers, theres heaps of us!
And we are all lovely people :), although i feel that some may have been, very heavily influenced by parents to do this.

After our meeting, i traveled around the frozen lake, Maggie you'd love the walk! It was amazing!

It was weird though, because its not actually really frozen, its slush it just looks frozen! Anyways, the walk around it reminded me SOOOO much of Narnia is not funny! I got some pics, i'll put some up here but most of them will go on facebook lol.

Well my walk was good, but my camera froze up not even half way around it because its kinda freezing atm. Plus it was snowing so it was colder than when its not. So I couldnt do anything with my camera! But its all good now, i had to let it run out of battery then charge it to get it good again, poor thing!

But that wasnt the worst of the day. After i got back had lunch and then put my camera to charge i came back to the dinning hall, because its like hogwarts, we all sit on four rows of long tables, however ours have several tables in one row, but anyways we sit in there when its way tol cold to do anything outside. I had a hot choccy, when i got told that Tara and i were to pack up our things and go catch a tran! I had no idea where Tara was and so packed my stuff and came back down the stairs with it all, and there was a meeting to say what was happening in the hall.

I found Tara who was shocked that we where expected to pack up everything and leave so soon.

We then got in a car and went to the station. Paul, who drove us helped us with where we had to go and the security guard was helpful when our bags got stuck in the barriers your ment to run through if you have luggage :)

We found our platform. Number 8, not 9 3/4 to my disapointment.

Our train was two trains away and about 20 mins. So we went into a coffee shop on the platform and waited there. Then our train got delayed and wasnt on the screen anymore. Thwn 20 mins later it was 3rd again, then second. Then delayed, then 3rd, then delayed, then 3rd then delayed. Then it got Delayed by 1/2 hour! When we had been waiting an hour already and the coffee shop had closed so we had to freeze. I was already frozen solid even with all my woolies on! and Tara was almost there, so we contacted Latt emergency phone who got in contact with the Latt members at the uni and they couldnt get to us, so we had to catch a taxiiii...

The taxi was fine, really big, lots of room type situation. But the driver was rude.
He then told us that he couldnt get to the uni gate closest to our hall, even though a nice Scottish lad told him another way to get there not via the ice packed road ahead. So we got kicked out and had to start dragging our luggage up the slightly hilled icey road. The Scott, randomly was going to the uni hall we where going to. He was going to meet a friend there. So we dragged our luggage up the hill with his help and slipped and slidded to the gates finally. And we where all pooped by then.

It was by good luck that a big strong latt volunteer guy with some girls came up behind us, coming back from the pub. And he helped us to. :) Such nice people..

We finally made it and after dinner and talking i went to bed at about 8:30 because i was so tired and just wanted a warm bed. Even though mines full of half dead springs.. And that, was my yesterday...

PS pics will come soon. Dont panic, i just havnt uploaded them from my camera yet :)

Love to all!


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wellll. Its snowing hehe

(I thought it was rather cute)

So I got through customs all good. Flight to Bangkok was alright, was sitting with two other Latt girls so we slept and talked mostly the whole way. Meals were as normal average lol. Plane food, got to love it.

We stopped at Bangkok for an hour and got back on the plane, I and one other girl, Sam moved seats away from Gabby, to rather highly spacious seats where we engaged in conversation with a Maths professor from England, who had a Indian background with a British and slightly American accent. I slept most of this trip and watched Public Enemies with the music to loud and the voices soft with no subtitle choice.

We got to London. It was pitch black and the fairy lights of the city were AMAZING! It all seemed to go on forever!

Once we got through the stamp people at the airport we got our bags, no one else seemed to have my gorgeous greeny aqua colour baggage lol.
When we all had our bags we then proceeded out in the arrival area, where there were a whole lot of people with signs... however no read shirts... no latitude signs.... After what seemed forever standing and looking we decided to walk around and see if they had a group. They did, about 10 metres away from us. We then had to wait for the bus, and crammed ourselves into it.

On the 45 min drive to Reading UNI, I decided that men carrying a traffic light were well worth a picky and I also it was comented that although the road work men seemed to be doing a lot more work than Aussie ones do, the bus driver quickly pointed out that they have been trying to finish that part of road work for two years now.

It feels like a very frosted Australia to be honest, I don’t feel like I’ve left the country except for the fact that I can’t contact anyone because a) my phone costs money, even though my Telstra sim pics up Vodafone UK reception lol, I’ll find more out about the phone business later. But b) there no wireless at the Reading UNI... None that is visible anyways... So I have to type this in word.

They also don’t have lifts... which ment that because im on the top floor I got a danm good work out getting my stuff to my room! The room is rather nice, one bed, a desk with a light and chair, a sink (that had brown water coming from the tap, however it goes clear), and a cupboard and chair for unknown purposes. It quite tight and cosy and i very much am liking my view

It’s really not that cold, I mean -4 sounds cold for 12pm in the day but it’s rather pleasant, it’s not a cold that sinks into your bones and turns you blue. It sort of just hangs around you like a fly that isn’t bothering you but is still there. I went with a walk with Gabby it started snowing lightly! The bus driver also said that it was forecast to snow, it was lovely, truly beautiful!

After dinner we had snow fights and then reheated ourselves with a hot choccy and lots of talk. After the talking we went to the local pub.. and because it was snowing, we got soaked pretty much lol. But i can now say i've been to a English pub. It was actually quite nice, old sorta looking and nice old protraits :)

Missing everyone already if you can believe that... BUT im sooo happy to be here lol