Saturday, March 13, 2010

Well you suck.

Yes indeed i do. I've been very slack as of posting right now because i just dont know what and how to say what i've been doing. Which isnt very much to be totally honest with you all. Last weekend Dave, Yana, Tara, Misty the dog, Sophie the baby and i went across the ferry to uhh, the island... haha, it didnt even feel like it was england anymore, but that we had somehow actually teleported to an Australia beach... This moment passed when the sun started to go down a bit and a bloody cold wind came up and frozen us all..

I've come to the conclusion that boats and i don't mix, even if the ferry trip was only a few minutes...

So iv been off the last 3days with green snot coming out nose and mouth... not that you really wanted to know, but i thought it was neccesary to say or you'd all be like, you slacker, not going to work. So you got told the details...

Last wednesday night we had a poker night, which im sure you all saw some pics of on facebook. It was right after my two hour bus brakedown on the way back to VEC from horseriding, so i was rapped in my blankie and had Dave's friends hat on. It was a rather soft warm hat might i add.

I have a box of tissues with sheep with white coats and black heads and feet on it all looking at one side of the box which has a sheep with a white head and black coat and feet haha, i thought it was the coolest tissue box...

So i dont have much to say, but i might find something to add later... bye for now my readers. have a good weekend :)

Vic xox

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