Sunday, March 28, 2010

-points- "Look at that" -runs away-

So i have my good old jasmine tea. That didn't take forever to find or anything. Its only taken.... how long have i been here now? How time flys, as it is almost Easter! So i haven't posted because iv been ill; and whats good about a blogger who is sick and in bed most of the day thinking that her beige bedroom is a bit plain even with posters. The only colour is the water pattern broken curtains. Yes i broke them, however they where already broken last year and no ones bothered to fix them properly; so i put in to get them fixed. Nothings happened as of yet.

So yeah, I'm very happy at the moment to have my jasmine tea, and I'm also happy because we are allowed to have things from the kitchen downstairs to cook our own food if we want to, i have now have homemade pizza ingredients in my part of the fridge. How exiting!

I'm also excited because the doctor gave me tablets for my painful tummy and they have worked, and so I'm off to Poland on the 8Th! Here i come Poland watch out! Can't wait to see Lauren! OMG
Four more days of work then holidays! Easter and Poland! So i haven't taken any pictures lately and i apologise for this, but when your sick and didn't do much, theres not much to photograph.

The sun came out for about 5Min's today, and yesterday i could go outside in a tshirt and pants and feel fine. I believe this means its getting warmer? Yes i thought so to.
How more exciting, everything is exciting at the moment. No i do not know why. Maybe its the tea? Yes that's definitely it. :)

Before i continue blabbing on about whatever my brain think and my fingers type at the same i shall leave you all with the good exciting news that is not sickness.

Love Vic xoxox

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