Monday, March 29, 2010


So my room was just rattling with the beat of music from downstairs in the students rooms... You'd think the staff would think about how loud they have the music... Oh well. I left my room to come read in the lounge, but the TVs on and its about American rich teens and their parties... This girl has bodyguards following her around at her party... She also got a BMW, which is kinda ugly looking... And i thought i was spoilt and pampered a lot in life. Her parents spent over 300, 000 dollars on her party... Imagine what you could do with that on not a party!!

So I'm reading Memoirs of a Geisha, it's really good, so good, I'm almost half way through it. People who read, should read it :)
Oh and you should all look up Belton House, because and i flatter myself; I'm going there after Poland :) Staying a night or two in the town and seeing Belton House, and also Grantham house. Shall be a good end to a great Easter! I'm SO looking forward to seeing Stew, Annette and Jack again! And then i get to see Lauren, in Poland! And then i get to walk the steps that so many awesome people including Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth in the fantastic Pride and Prejudice when they go to see Lady Catherine De'Burg.. If there was music insertation I'd insert the music they use whenever Lady Catherine come onto screen...

How exciting, i found it, with my great map of the national trust properties, which is now on my wall so i can look up a heap of the places, which if i did look them all up would taken me all year to so.
Did i mention that i now know when I'm coming Home? Yes i leave here late 18Th December 2010 and get to Sydney on the 20Th December 2010. What happened to the 19Th you may ask, and I'll leave you wondering with a little hint, Australia, happens to be from a futuristic time 11, no 10 hours now ahead of English time.
I'd like to insert alien music here.

So its raining. And my pizza last night was wonderfully tasty and i happened to make a taster salmon and salad for my dinner tonight, which i didn't photograph, because i had to eat it because it smelled half as good as it tasted. But not to worry i have another fillet in the freezer waiting to go into my tummy another night. :) I do say, I'll turn into quiet the little chef by the time i leave here!

I'm really excited about my Easter break, its going to be fabbbbtabulas! :D

Love Vicki xox

Sunday, March 28, 2010

-points- "Look at that" -runs away-

So i have my good old jasmine tea. That didn't take forever to find or anything. Its only taken.... how long have i been here now? How time flys, as it is almost Easter! So i haven't posted because iv been ill; and whats good about a blogger who is sick and in bed most of the day thinking that her beige bedroom is a bit plain even with posters. The only colour is the water pattern broken curtains. Yes i broke them, however they where already broken last year and no ones bothered to fix them properly; so i put in to get them fixed. Nothings happened as of yet.

So yeah, I'm very happy at the moment to have my jasmine tea, and I'm also happy because we are allowed to have things from the kitchen downstairs to cook our own food if we want to, i have now have homemade pizza ingredients in my part of the fridge. How exiting!

I'm also excited because the doctor gave me tablets for my painful tummy and they have worked, and so I'm off to Poland on the 8Th! Here i come Poland watch out! Can't wait to see Lauren! OMG
Four more days of work then holidays! Easter and Poland! So i haven't taken any pictures lately and i apologise for this, but when your sick and didn't do much, theres not much to photograph.

The sun came out for about 5Min's today, and yesterday i could go outside in a tshirt and pants and feel fine. I believe this means its getting warmer? Yes i thought so to.
How more exciting, everything is exciting at the moment. No i do not know why. Maybe its the tea? Yes that's definitely it. :)

Before i continue blabbing on about whatever my brain think and my fingers type at the same i shall leave you all with the good exciting news that is not sickness.

Love Vic xoxox

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So what did i last post... Ah yes, i left you in that i'd had since last wednesday day off. Well over the weekend, i didnt do much, however i went and saw Alice in Wonderland. I could write a book on what i feel about this, however i am restricting myself for those who havent yet viewed Johnny in 3D...

Monday came and i went to an silly Doctor who gave me some drugs to get rid of a whole heap of infections in the body, and while taking the first one i read that you shouldnt if you have glan fever, however because i wasn't registered i couldnt get a blood test, and when i offered to register she wouldnt let me... because, i didnt have a confirmation of my address here on me at that particular moment... so i am going to register and get an app at the doctor closer so i can get a blood test to see what the heck is wrong with me.

Feel very privalaged that you are all reading this for the knives glued into my head are getting worse..

I felt the urge to write this blog because of one thing. Today i had two achievements, one i was able to get up and have a shower, two i was able to get myself down to dinner. And whislt completing two, i walked past the flats kitchen, there was a parcel, there was a parcel for me.. so naturally i was curios and opened it. Inside i found a lovely card, nice chocies for easter an awesomely cute little churpie chick who tweated at me and told me to have a happy easter and lastly, Sims2 Apartment Pets. Now instead of a reall one, i can own HEAPS of virtual pets :D...

Thanks Mummy and Daddy... and Bonnie too!! xoxoxox

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Well you suck.

Yes indeed i do. I've been very slack as of posting right now because i just dont know what and how to say what i've been doing. Which isnt very much to be totally honest with you all. Last weekend Dave, Yana, Tara, Misty the dog, Sophie the baby and i went across the ferry to uhh, the island... haha, it didnt even feel like it was england anymore, but that we had somehow actually teleported to an Australia beach... This moment passed when the sun started to go down a bit and a bloody cold wind came up and frozen us all..

I've come to the conclusion that boats and i don't mix, even if the ferry trip was only a few minutes...

So iv been off the last 3days with green snot coming out nose and mouth... not that you really wanted to know, but i thought it was neccesary to say or you'd all be like, you slacker, not going to work. So you got told the details...

Last wednesday night we had a poker night, which im sure you all saw some pics of on facebook. It was right after my two hour bus brakedown on the way back to VEC from horseriding, so i was rapped in my blankie and had Dave's friends hat on. It was a rather soft warm hat might i add.

I have a box of tissues with sheep with white coats and black heads and feet on it all looking at one side of the box which has a sheep with a white head and black coat and feet haha, i thought it was the coolest tissue box...

So i dont have much to say, but i might find something to add later... bye for now my readers. have a good weekend :)

Vic xox

Monday, March 1, 2010

Pet Separation Anxiety

Wow.. Did you know its MARCH!!

i left you on Friday before last, well Saturday came after that if you didn't know already :P.

Stew got James and i up early and did a drive by Stew tour of London, which might i add was really good. It was nice to see it by car, a different angle than train.. i mean you don't really see anything on the undergrounds, so lets face it head on and say Stew's tour was awesome. :)

We dropped James off at the station in the morning. Which was nice to spend the rest of the arvo with Stew and Anne... okey Jack :) Who i can now say I've nappy changed and sung to sleep when i was doing the babysitting duty :P He will be reminded when he gets older :P
I was on bub duty the rest of the night and i made some slice for Stew and Annette, i got them some flowers and a card too. Just to say a little thanks for putting up with me :P (And James)

Sunday we went house spotting, and well they all look the same from the front.. except maybe the front door and some small details. We had lunch at a nice cafe/ restaurant called giraffe. I left that afternoon via train and was picked and taken back to the Bracken's for some dinner, and then dropped back to VEC. First class treatment yes?

The week went by rather quickly and i soon realised that it was Thursday and i tried to remember where the week had actually gone... which i am still thinking about actually.
I talked to Ceri, a physio here as my back was giving off grief again, and I'm due to see her on Monday again after iv done some exercises she's given me to help my back muscles loosen a bit. its rather handy having physio's who deal with this kinda stuff on site, and willing to help. Friday night there was a gig for a band called Hadouken, it was good. But it only went for about an hour which is disappointing to all. Although the mosh pit was awesome and now i need to wash my shoes...

Saturday brought a before sun wake up and off to the rail station to get to clap junct to Stew and Annette's house :) Uncle David arrive a few hours after me, and at one point... everyone was asleep except Jack according to Stew :P, Stew and Annette also left David, Jack and i asleep in their house while they went off gallivanting somewhere.

We had a nakey run from Jack for a bit before he went off to bed, which was funny. After that we had a lovely dinner and cake made by Annette herself, I shouldve taken some cake back with me :P

This night itself went pretty late after skyping for hours to Nana and Pop and also Mum and Dad, the others had a few glasses of wine and then we all went to bed at about 1:20am... big day!

Sunday brought a goodbye to David and myself shortly after to give Stew and Annette some peace time :)

Once i got back to VEC i went to the swimming pool for a swim, did laps for a half hour and came back. On the way back i saw a girl with a puppy, which made me think of Bonnie, and then i really had the need for something fluffy to hold... i thought maybe i could get a fish or something.. but fish arent very fun... Then i was like oh a guinea pig, but I'm not in for little babies again, plus they need company and lots of space.. then i thought. i could get a hamster... and then i thought. What am i gonna do with him at the end of the year? But it would still be nice to have some fluffy company... i think i have pet separation anxiety....

Vic xoxox