Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Technically Challenged

Just because i said to myself, today wasn't THAT interesting I'll post later... and then i said it again the next day... and the next.. and over the weekend i was busy ... Partying.

Soo my week last week consisted of classes in the lower school, which means younger students and / or mental age of a younger child. i was in art where i had to help / make a sculpture from clay and another day i had to hold a box so it could be painted.
In computers i didn't really do much, i just helped which sentence structure (they had parts of the sentence muddled up and had to it) if the student i was working with needed it, so basically, "does it sound right?" "Does the capital letter go first or in the middle of the sentence?" Etc etc..

Friday came at last and the pub during the afternoon, i had a coke... because it was still WAY to early to drink... we drew pictures of each other on a napkin, haha. It was the type where one draws the head, folds it so the last bit pokes out to have someone else draw the body and fold it to the last bit so someone else can draw the legs... WAS so funny!

Saturday.. Well I'm guessing you have all by now at least seen my facebook profile picture of me in a wonderfully pink jumpsuit... I bought shoes, socks and a jumper which is awesome and I'm wearing at the moment :) Its green and white striped :) size 18 in the kids section of primark for 5pound... thought that was pretty good to be completely honest :)

Saturday night we all got dressed up in our dresses and heels and headed to a poshy poo restaurant and then to the club down the road. For a night and early morning dance off... where someone pushed my drink down the front of my dress and now i have to find a dry cleaners....

Anyways when we home i ate my banana, and went to sleeepp woke up around 11am and ate another banana with my breaky :) had a relaxing afternoon then got ready to walk to Madeline and Charles's house for dinner and then to the lighthouse theatre to watch the Canford School orchestra and choir perform, in which Olivia and Louise played and sang very well. The main singers singing the opera parts where awesome... Even if I'm not really a fan of opera. Ill just say I'm looking at it through the theatre perspective in that they held their voices steady and strong and projected themselves extremely well! :)

Monday... Was pretty good, was with my favourite class again :)Started to get a sore back in the evening, then slept very badly, today i went horse riding and was in art playing with Plasticine all afternoon with a continuing sore back... no thanks to the panadol...

So LONDON ON FRIDAY. I'm sooo excited!!! I can't wait to see Stew and Annette and little Jack!! OMG and Stew has booked tickets to see Defending the Caveman and Oliver!! Should be great shows!! I cant wait :)

Miss you all

Love Vicki

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Vicki, all ways good to catch up on your activities. :))
