Wednesday, February 17, 2010

All Men are Assholes

Soo omg Friday came... and then went... and now its Tuesday night... i don't know what happened! The days just disappeared...

Saturday..I spent the morning (while he was awake) with Little Jack :) and then i played with blocks while the house was full of adults and children under 7.. hehe i think i had more fun than the kids at times. They seemed to like having things built for them... they knocking it down soon as or before it was finished.. Wow they giggled so much knocking things down.. I must say it kept them entertained for a good time!
That night after almost everyone who wasn't staying the night had left, we went for a walk to the pub. :) In good English style.

Stew, Jimmy and i came back early, and started watching Lord of The Rings.... EXTENDED VERSION!! HECK YESS.... omg it's on the third movie now as i type and the extensions are soooo good!! I have to buy these!!!

Sunday was a quiet day, spent the day with Jack :) well most of it, i slept in and Jack sleeps a lot hehe.. Sunday night was meant to be a gappers club night down the road.. however we learnt that it was during the day.. and we had be given false information.. that had been double checked... So.... we watched some more LOTR haha

Monday came so fast its not funny.. i think i blinked a little... Slept in, said goodbye to Catherine and Mert. Then took the trains... omg underground... to London!!! I saw and walked past the great eye of London... it sees all, and it whispers... "I seee you" it that spooky voice... haha

We found along our walk around in a block, over and along the river, a place called death trap... it was about zombies.. so naturally i wanted to go in.. and we did. We got to walk through narrow corridors and such with actors acting crazy and scary. It was really good haha, things popped out from no where and it was all black with some flashing lights.. We came out and walked around to Little Ben... I mean... Big Ben....
At first i thought.. is it a mini version? But then i saw that it was attached to the buildings iv seen it attached to in pictures... so Little Ben.. was indeed the Big Ben.
When we got back, Stew also said Ben's size had been a bit of a shock. I totally agreed haha..

Bit short one end Benny is..

That night.. sleepingly we watched more LOTR lol
These ones have two discs for each movie... WOha

Tuesday (Today) I was on Jack duty until Christine the babysitter got here, so Jack and i chilled out in the kitchen on the floor playing with a toy until she did. I then went back to sleep for a little and then went out into the rain to do some shopping. I bought... A dress, and some hair goop, and bows for my hair.. hehe they are cute, and i sussed out raincoats.. but they only sell the fashion ones in the stores around here so im going to find a primark near here and train it to there and maybe find a green or purple one hehe..

Tonight. Haha we took the trains to Leicester Square to see Defending the Caveman, a comedy act. Which was SOOO FUNNY.. the opening line was "All Men are Assholes" hahaha it was a total however somewhat narrow view of the differences between men and women and how they are pretty much two different species and it all dates back to the caveman... and cavewomen.. Where the men would talk a little.. or grunt about the hunt, then focus on the hunt.. that's it. Just like the Tv nowadays. until the focus was safe in the mans cave.
Women where the gatherers, they had to go and pick the foods, make sure it was ripe and good to eat, and go out and find new and different things, and take it all in, gathering information. Whereas now that's what we call shopping :)

So i guess he was right.. we are different species :P

Miss you all.

Vic xooxox

1 comment:

  1. I saw the title and thought O.M.G. what happened. All good phew....

    now, LOL
