Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fish on Trains

As you walk into the station, you can hear a buzz in your ears, the people coming and going are so many that its hard to move around if your new to the London train systems. You manage to find a train going to your stop and fight your way to the platform and get on the train and most of the time stand. You get off at your next stop and go to the underground, down down down the steep escalator takes you and it feels like a ride maybe like splash mountain at Disney Land USA. You and everyone else stand to the right and let people walk down the stairs past you, you finally reach the bottom and theres a few signs. You try and remember what colour you need, red? no, black? no, Green? lets try that way then. You find its the right one and see your stop is three stops away. you then find your way to the platform, and squeeze yourself into a good position, the train comes and its a life or death situation to get on that train. Its a river of fish people.

I went to St Paul's cathedral today... but.. i hardly got 10 steps into the grand building before the lady giving out info about said "The cathedral is not open for viewing today.. as its ash Wednesday and there are only series available"

It was then i realised that my plan b was awesome.

The Museum of London was a 5 min walk down the road :) I mean yes i have to go back to the cathedral, but the outside and 10 steps i got inside where so beautiful i really don't mind going to the other side of the city just to go into it...

I loved the museum however, it was really good, well set out and although there where little kids running everywhere.. i didn't mind because they where finding info to fill out activity sheets they where doing. :)

I bought a London shirt.. i mean who could resist! And i got a book called "The time traveller's Guide to Medieval England. So far the first two pages are funny and very interesting. So all around a good buy :)

I'm going to see Oliver tonight :) I'm very excited woo!


Well Oliver was BLOODY AWESOME.. That is all i can say about it, because that's what it was... I believe the bits on TV which i have seen now make sense... which is always handy yes?
I think so.

Eyes opening on Thursday morning i looked outside.. RAIN... I had planned to go to the palace and oxford street today. However again, my plan b was a great one. I travelled back to St Paul's Cathedral, which i can only describe by this...

"Theres over 1000 stairs if you walk up to the top, and down again. You cannot spend under and hour there. Your mouth is open in aww for more than half your stay. It well worth a visit"

Friday morning i got up had a shower and went out to Buckingham Palace.. to find that London had gathered there for the changing of the guards. I waited at the fence freezing even with all my layers on. Taking some pics and movie. THEN... you can't guess..... maybe you can... my camera which was full this morning, decided that it was out of battery. So i didn't get many pics.

I had to got back to the train station to get to Oxford street because it was physically impossible to get to the other side of the crowd to get to the street i needed to get to Oxford street..
So anyways, getting off the train i headed down Regent st to Hanleys toy store... OMG...WOW... TOY HEAVEN.... it was here that i bought myself a gold timeturner necklace from the harry potter and lord of the rings section... i couldve bought it all if i wasn't in the right mind... however i didn't...

Bye for now, Miss you all

Vic xox

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

All Men are Assholes

Soo omg Friday came... and then went... and now its Tuesday night... i don't know what happened! The days just disappeared...

Saturday..I spent the morning (while he was awake) with Little Jack :) and then i played with blocks while the house was full of adults and children under 7.. hehe i think i had more fun than the kids at times. They seemed to like having things built for them... they knocking it down soon as or before it was finished.. Wow they giggled so much knocking things down.. I must say it kept them entertained for a good time!
That night after almost everyone who wasn't staying the night had left, we went for a walk to the pub. :) In good English style.

Stew, Jimmy and i came back early, and started watching Lord of The Rings.... EXTENDED VERSION!! HECK YESS.... omg it's on the third movie now as i type and the extensions are soooo good!! I have to buy these!!!

Sunday was a quiet day, spent the day with Jack :) well most of it, i slept in and Jack sleeps a lot hehe.. Sunday night was meant to be a gappers club night down the road.. however we learnt that it was during the day.. and we had be given false information.. that had been double checked... So.... we watched some more LOTR haha

Monday came so fast its not funny.. i think i blinked a little... Slept in, said goodbye to Catherine and Mert. Then took the trains... omg underground... to London!!! I saw and walked past the great eye of London... it sees all, and it whispers... "I seee you" it that spooky voice... haha

We found along our walk around in a block, over and along the river, a place called death trap... it was about zombies.. so naturally i wanted to go in.. and we did. We got to walk through narrow corridors and such with actors acting crazy and scary. It was really good haha, things popped out from no where and it was all black with some flashing lights.. We came out and walked around to Little Ben... I mean... Big Ben....
At first i thought.. is it a mini version? But then i saw that it was attached to the buildings iv seen it attached to in pictures... so Little Ben.. was indeed the Big Ben.
When we got back, Stew also said Ben's size had been a bit of a shock. I totally agreed haha..

Bit short one end Benny is..

That night.. sleepingly we watched more LOTR lol
These ones have two discs for each movie... WOha

Tuesday (Today) I was on Jack duty until Christine the babysitter got here, so Jack and i chilled out in the kitchen on the floor playing with a toy until she did. I then went back to sleep for a little and then went out into the rain to do some shopping. I bought... A dress, and some hair goop, and bows for my hair.. hehe they are cute, and i sussed out raincoats.. but they only sell the fashion ones in the stores around here so im going to find a primark near here and train it to there and maybe find a green or purple one hehe..

Tonight. Haha we took the trains to Leicester Square to see Defending the Caveman, a comedy act. Which was SOOO FUNNY.. the opening line was "All Men are Assholes" hahaha it was a total however somewhat narrow view of the differences between men and women and how they are pretty much two different species and it all dates back to the caveman... and cavewomen.. Where the men would talk a little.. or grunt about the hunt, then focus on the hunt.. that's it. Just like the Tv nowadays. until the focus was safe in the mans cave.
Women where the gatherers, they had to go and pick the foods, make sure it was ripe and good to eat, and go out and find new and different things, and take it all in, gathering information. Whereas now that's what we call shopping :)

So i guess he was right.. we are different species :P

Miss you all.

Vic xooxox

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Technically Challenged

Just because i said to myself, today wasn't THAT interesting I'll post later... and then i said it again the next day... and the next.. and over the weekend i was busy ... Partying.

Soo my week last week consisted of classes in the lower school, which means younger students and / or mental age of a younger child. i was in art where i had to help / make a sculpture from clay and another day i had to hold a box so it could be painted.
In computers i didn't really do much, i just helped which sentence structure (they had parts of the sentence muddled up and had to it) if the student i was working with needed it, so basically, "does it sound right?" "Does the capital letter go first or in the middle of the sentence?" Etc etc..

Friday came at last and the pub during the afternoon, i had a coke... because it was still WAY to early to drink... we drew pictures of each other on a napkin, haha. It was the type where one draws the head, folds it so the last bit pokes out to have someone else draw the body and fold it to the last bit so someone else can draw the legs... WAS so funny!

Saturday.. Well I'm guessing you have all by now at least seen my facebook profile picture of me in a wonderfully pink jumpsuit... I bought shoes, socks and a jumper which is awesome and I'm wearing at the moment :) Its green and white striped :) size 18 in the kids section of primark for 5pound... thought that was pretty good to be completely honest :)

Saturday night we all got dressed up in our dresses and heels and headed to a poshy poo restaurant and then to the club down the road. For a night and early morning dance off... where someone pushed my drink down the front of my dress and now i have to find a dry cleaners....

Anyways when we home i ate my banana, and went to sleeepp woke up around 11am and ate another banana with my breaky :) had a relaxing afternoon then got ready to walk to Madeline and Charles's house for dinner and then to the lighthouse theatre to watch the Canford School orchestra and choir perform, in which Olivia and Louise played and sang very well. The main singers singing the opera parts where awesome... Even if I'm not really a fan of opera. Ill just say I'm looking at it through the theatre perspective in that they held their voices steady and strong and projected themselves extremely well! :)

Monday... Was pretty good, was with my favourite class again :)Started to get a sore back in the evening, then slept very badly, today i went horse riding and was in art playing with Plasticine all afternoon with a continuing sore back... no thanks to the panadol...

So LONDON ON FRIDAY. I'm sooo excited!!! I can't wait to see Stew and Annette and little Jack!! OMG and Stew has booked tickets to see Defending the Caveman and Oliver!! Should be great shows!! I cant wait :)

Miss you all

Love Vicki

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Blue birds fly.

So last week. Well Tuesday was normal. I was in Physio again.. Tuesday night Madeline and Charles took Tara and i to see Louise play the violin in a school music and drama presentation, which she was absolutely marvelous in by the way, just to make you all really jealous because shes a wonderful violinist.
Wednesday was not normal because well.. I stood up to long or something and almost passed out and the nurse said to have the day off. But by the afternoon i was all good, and went along to horse riding with the students.


I sat in the kitchen and could if i wanted go to the window and watch through glass. And I saw when i did get up and look, a leader, two side walkers and a person walking about 1.5m behind the horse.. just because maybe they want their volunteers to be in range of a good kick in the head?

Yeah... well then i noticed with my awesome unseeing eyes that one horse had just saddle blankets on .. then the other may have had a saddle on but it was covered in a sheep skin, which i understand because its softer it keeps the circulation going if the student has low circulation.

Anyways the Friday.. I was in Physio and Stuart came out of the office and said that reception wished to see me. I thought it was rather odd. So i went along to reception and Chris wasn't there, which was oddera.. Because shes always there. Anyway i got asked if i could man the reception for today as Chris was sick, poor darl. I said yes and so i sat at reception answering phones and taking messages and emailing and opening the door.. OK so i pressed a button which enables the guest to open the door haha.
It was a pretty funny day, and everyone said i did a great job and Sue asked if i might do it again if I'm needed. So i said yeah. With a smile of course.


Saturday had a great sleep in. Tried to locate the pool in the local area. Failed and so went into Poole to get some vitamins etc. Looked at clothes. Just looked yes, OK so i tried on some stuff but it was expensive, as usual and wasn't even on sale so i didn't get it. I then went and looked at the Poole pool.. haha.. and found it was very nice.

Sunday I located the local pool and had a bit of a swim then rushed to Madeline and Charles place for a late afternoon lunch with Charles's son Charles and his four children, Emma, Charlie, George and Thomas. Which was good fun, and Madeline and i watched as they all played poker together. After they left we watched some TV and then had some snack dinner which was lovely. And then i was so tired i went to bed pretty much when i got back haha.

So today. Was an awesome day. I got up, helped with a students suit, went and saw Sue and she pointed me towards the classrooms. :D. I was in one class today who I'm looking very forward to being with again on Friday because i had a great time, i worked with two of the students, one at recess (i was feeding whoop) and then the other i was helping in dance and then i believe it was drama, story time. I was working with another student in story time at first, but apparently i have the perfect touch and got asked to work with the cutest little boy. And he was doing very well with me :D so I'm really pleased with that hehe

I'm Very happy this afternoon and i don't think much could wipe the smile off my face.

But not to worry i miss you ALL

Love Vic xox