Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Beat by the Bush

So i haven't really done a lot since i last bloggededed... however i did go on a 2.5hour walk along the beach, ^^ as you can see above in the new pic, it was lovely, (want more, go look on facebook.. its got its own album for convenience).

I've done some booking for summer, going to Paris, Madrid and Barcelona..Woohooo!

So I've been looking back at my older posts, were are the comments people?

I got attacked by a bush, the pharmacist said by my description of the bush that it was Nettle, he gave me cream, and it's gone down in redness, sting and itchiness now.. but gosh it was ouchy!!! (Pictures on facebook)

Yeah that's about it, more tomorrow night, poker night after England play their final in football (soccer to us Aussies) I also may be camping on Friday night, and then seeing the Bracken's on Saturday sometime. I may not be able to go camping as i may not be able to get back on Saturday. we shall see :)

Oh speaking of language differences in words.. A class is asking for Aussie items, i thinking kindly, said they may borrow my thongs.... the conversation went a tad weird and them boom... we both realised that I'd used the wrong word and that i actually meant footwear. There was a lot of laughter. Yes i was talking with an adult.

Vic xoxoxox

1 comment:

  1. OK, I am trying to add another comment. I have added comments to all of your Blogs but they don't seem to stay???
    Awesome Tick for great blog. Bugga Tick for nettle attack. Miss You Tick cause I Miss You Sweetie. Love Mum
