Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So your all probably not wondering if i died of that cold.. which turned into conjunctivitis.
Yeah it was gross.

Well i didn't die of it, or it'd be amazing that I'm typing this now. Yes i should be sleeping, but my brain is just to active at the moment, so i decided to blog it. Because i can..

I need a brain active hobby... and yes i do read, it's just not enough to make my brain close of for the night. maybe it's just annoyed because i ignored it to side with a embarrassed teenage side of self and didn't get a picture with the early 20's Johnny Depp identical twin sitting less than 10 metres away from Lauren and i in Hyde Park on Sunday the 23rd May... Wow he was nice to look at. I'm telling you i was so close to getting a picture, i guess he probably gets it all the time though. Oh well. Overall my weekend was fabtabulas! And i recomend neweurope tours for anyone :) I enjoyed the 'Grim Reaper tour' and also their pub crawl back at easter haha. It was great seeing Stew and Annette and Jack, we had a picnic in the nice weather in the clapham park and i played frizbe with Alex, left handed haha. Although Jack was a sick little boy and it wasn't nice seeing him like that :(.

So maybe i guess my brain.. and i never thought I'd ever say this.. but maybe my brain misses school work... and there goes the big "DUN DUN DUN" in the background of the scene.
I was going to try and teach myself Spanish, however when you don't use it at all, its hard to do by yourself.

So the weathers really nice at the moment, t'shirt, shorts, open windows, blue Sky's and light breezes. Where can i go that has this all year round? I'll do some research on that.
I don't know what else to say really.
Oh Dad guess what I'm reading :P You'll never guess haha

Amyways, Over and Out -radio noise-

Vic xox

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