Friday, May 28, 2010

Week Off

So i almost died when my tickets had not yet come by yesterday because it was over 7 working days after i'd ordered them, so i rang the people.. twice in the morning to see what could be done, both i couldnt understand and both where mean and couldnt do this or that.. then i talked to Sue and she said go see what the train station people say and so off i went and the nice man talked to me about what i could do and what to say to the people on the phone, because they are truly hopeless. So i rang, asking for the manager, but the man i got was nice and told me to ring the day before my train and get my reference number so i can get my tickets from a self serve machine :) great isnt all that trouble and stress i went through.

Anyways. Im really excited, tonight i get to see Stew and Annette and Jack and then tomorrow they go off adventuring and i get to house sit. Im thinking of going back to the Palace to get a proper look without all of London there as well. Maybe i'll look see if there is a changing of the guards before i go :P

Next week im going horse riding for 3 days up in the Lake District, how exciting, i can't wait! I'll take piccies and have a lot of fun, and come back very sore from riding because lets face it.. it's been a while!

So i woke up at 6am this morning, how annoying. But i got a few things done, so it's alright. I woke from the sun, it seems to get up at 4am here, but lucky i wasn't awakened at that time :)

I must be off readers, as i am to get ready for work and complete my packing :)
Have a good night/ day

Vicki xox

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So your all probably not wondering if i died of that cold.. which turned into conjunctivitis.
Yeah it was gross.

Well i didn't die of it, or it'd be amazing that I'm typing this now. Yes i should be sleeping, but my brain is just to active at the moment, so i decided to blog it. Because i can..

I need a brain active hobby... and yes i do read, it's just not enough to make my brain close of for the night. maybe it's just annoyed because i ignored it to side with a embarrassed teenage side of self and didn't get a picture with the early 20's Johnny Depp identical twin sitting less than 10 metres away from Lauren and i in Hyde Park on Sunday the 23rd May... Wow he was nice to look at. I'm telling you i was so close to getting a picture, i guess he probably gets it all the time though. Oh well. Overall my weekend was fabtabulas! And i recomend neweurope tours for anyone :) I enjoyed the 'Grim Reaper tour' and also their pub crawl back at easter haha. It was great seeing Stew and Annette and Jack, we had a picnic in the nice weather in the clapham park and i played frizbe with Alex, left handed haha. Although Jack was a sick little boy and it wasn't nice seeing him like that :(.

So maybe i guess my brain.. and i never thought I'd ever say this.. but maybe my brain misses school work... and there goes the big "DUN DUN DUN" in the background of the scene.
I was going to try and teach myself Spanish, however when you don't use it at all, its hard to do by yourself.

So the weathers really nice at the moment, t'shirt, shorts, open windows, blue Sky's and light breezes. Where can i go that has this all year round? I'll do some research on that.
I don't know what else to say really.
Oh Dad guess what I'm reading :P You'll never guess haha

Amyways, Over and Out -radio noise-

Vic xox

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I would like you all to know..

That when you have big tonsils and they hurt, and you also have a blocked nose... try Strepsils sore throat and blocked nose..

No they didn't hire me to advertise, i just had one and i feel a lot better that's all :)

Oh and i also changed my blog colours :)
Do you all like them?

Monday, May 10, 2010


Everything is starting to pop out and grow around here, its just so beautiful! The ground of the school are looking very nice with the woods and work being done on the path to make it easier for wheelchair access... i think anyways. Haha

I sit here listening to Enya.. and could possibly do with a sleep. I cleaned the flat today and i also worked this morning when they were short staffed at the pool.. first weekend work. WOW

I actually prefer working during the week tbh, but it was interesting none the less.

The first two weeks back at work were amazing tiring, which ended up with me neglecting anything computer wise and distressing my family :P Sorry but relaxing was just so much easier...

I slept well and although i had energy, i did so much during the day that seems when i think about it.. like not a lot, however it is and you get very tired by the time your finished work. I dealt with my first number 2 in the bathrooms... isn't lucky the window was open? Yep!

So... nairns oatcakes = YUMMY

We has our first fire drill sine i've been here, which is kind of scary since i've been here since Jan, I was just getting out of the pool and so stood dripping in a towel with a tshirt which was getting wet from my swimmers on. People though this was rather amusing..

Just has an amazing dinner with the Bracken's and also Olivia's BF.... Dinner, Chatting an 80yr with a wonderful voice of Britain's got talent.. the trampoline and dessert :)

Mum and Dad, when i get back i'm gonna get a trampoline :D hehe