So i confess to all those readers who do read my blog, that I've been saying that i will update, but i always tell myself I'll do it later and therefore end up asleep...
London 1 week, over Easter...
I knocked onto Stew and Annette's door to be greeted by a walking cousin who got a lot better at this just over that week and it was just so adorable to see the little man walking around like a little boy :) His features are changing, and Jack begins to look more like a little boy every time I've seen him. He has also developed a bit of a cheeky side! and almost uses you to get to things he wants haha, i can't help but to say he's just cute :)
Stew and Annette introduced me to mushy peas; which i found quite tasteful and enjoyable as all the food in their house is :) It was really nice seeing them again and having some good old chats about lots of different things :)
They took my to the Natural History Museum which was pretty amazing; with dinosaurs and huge whales and frogies and horses and elephants and ... (lions and tiger and bears oh my!) haha okey, so no lions or tigers or bears)! We also walked through Hyde Park, where i met Albert and saw the Queen with her nose replaced so you could tell quite clearly that it had been. Haha, i had a great time with them :)
Poland 1 week... Over the terrible crash week....
Warsaw i found was pretty amazing, and if it was in English i don't think i would've enjoyed it so much. Seeing Lauren was the highlight, and meeting a few of the gappers over there, also going to Lauren and Amy's school was great! Oh and buying my amazing pants. Also i have to mention my undrunken but energetic fall over the bench which i say was HILARIUS!!!
But and i wont say highlight, because it truly wasn't, but the thing that i found most powerful in the emotional scale of all things, was how the city reacted to the crash, which killed a lot of important people for Poland.
As a religious country they set out candles and flowers almost everywhere over the parts of the city i saw and also every corner there was at least one person sometimes two selling flowers and /or candles to be laid out in respect to those gone. The crowds on the day of the two minute silence where unbelievable; nd although I can't tell you what their museum was like, or their palace, i can tell you that the feeling of being in that crowd for those two minutes of silence was possible a much better grasp on the Polish than either of those things.
I will gladly go back one day.
London 1 night -
I slept a lot haha and then found out that if I'd tried to get back from Poland a day later, I'd have had my flight postpone due to a volcanic cloud from Finland. LOL i seem to have a nak for missing things or being their at the time that something is on or something is happening..
Grantham 2 nights... Belton House...
Well we all know Mr Darcy is amazing, so im glad to say that I've stood in the same room as him :) Okey so not at the same time, but well still... The house itself was a feature of much interest and im glad to say they have recently allowed unflashed photography in the house however at the present they have a theme of dawn to dusk or a similar name, and the dinning room had an AMAZING piece of centre age on it, which i could not take a photo of due to it being original. But as soon as i entered that room my mouth dropped and i simply cannot describe it in words.
Grantham, was a funny little town in which it was big enough so that not everyone knew each other and i didn't see the same people when i took a look around. But it was just that, small enough that i could walk around without getting lost. HAHA..
It was also the home of Margaret Thatcher and also Sir Isaac Newton or at least, he went to school there. It was a nice cute little town :)
5 hours on a train later i got back to Bournemouth last night, and today chatted with my Mummy and Daddy and my Sister :)
Love Vicki xox